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-Joseph Chilton Pearce

Week 4: Brainstorming

Three choosen needs

I wish I could slice a pizza evenly with any number of slices.

I wish I could slice a pizza evenly with any number of slices.

Why casting a fishing rod is so hard?

Why casting a fishing rod is so hard?

I want to make hydroponic farm feasible in small apartment.

I want to make hydroponic farm feasible in small apartment.

Week 5: Three Needs Presentation

I wish I could slice a pizza evenly with any number of slices.

I wish I could slice a pizza evenly with any number of slices.

I wish I could slice a pizza evenly with any number of slices.

Functional Requirements

  • Cuts 8" to 16" size

  • Works on standard 110V

  • Complete the task in less than 5 minutes

  • Maximum size: 60x60x60 cm^3

Why casting a fishing rod is so hard?

Why casting a fishing rod is so hard?

Functional Requirements

  • Weighs less than 3kg

  • 60m of minimum distance

  • Maximum 2m-long rod

  • 1 minute to set up

  • 5 minute learning time for beginners


I want to make hydroponic farm feasible in small apartment.

I want to make hydroponic farm feasible in small apartment.

Functional Requirements

  • Maximum 5kg

  • Maximum volume: 10 gallons (35x35x35 cm^3)

  • Once a week maintenance

  • Able to be connected to at least 2 other modules

Week 7: Sketch model presentation

Pizza Cutter


Fishing Lure Launcher

Pizza Cutter

Fishing Lure Launcher

Fishing Lure Launcher is CHOSEN!!

Design process - Compression spring

Assembly with compression spring and PVC tubing

1st mockup model (Compression spring)

launched less than 10m...
Why it failed?
Buckling, friction, complex ratchet system...

Test video (compression spring)

Design process - tension spring

Test video (tension spring)

Why it failed?
Hard to design the lure cup that can keep the lure inside the pocket
Excessive impact on the structure upon release

Design process - Rubber tubing

Advantages of using rubber tubing

Cheap, easy to work with, flexible!

Design process

- further development on Rubber tubing

video - Assembly process

Design process

- Finalized alpha prototype w/o paint job

Design process

- Finalized alpha prototype w/ camo paint job

video - demonstration

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